Global Sport Business Journal

The purpose of this study was to examine how per-seat contributions are framed, and attempt to understand the effects of different price frames on consumer perceptions and behavior. In doing so, we apply prospect theory to explain how framing an outcome can change preferences and ultimately purchase behavior. The current study used an experimental design to determine which price frame most influences repurchase intentions, when considering three price tiers (e.g. low, moderate, high) determined in a pretest. Our results indicate the best way to increase purchase intentions when implementing per-seat contributions campaigns is to use the Combination price frame (i.e. one emphasizing both student and personal benefits) in all per-seat contributions marketing communications, regardless of the price of the ticket.
Recommended Citation
Reese, Jason D.; Brown, Brandon; and Bennett, Gregg
"Required Donations: An Empirical Test of Prospect Theory & Framing of Per-Seat Contributions in Intercollegiate Athletics,"
Global Sport Business Journal: Vol. 3:
1, Article 3.
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