Tip moth control and loblolly pine growth in intensive pine culture: four year results
Kulhavy, David L.; Yeiser, Jimmie L.; Smith, L. Allen 2006. Tip moth control and loblolly pine growth in intensive pine culture: four year results. Pp. 438-440. Connor, Kristina F.; [Editor] 2006. Proceedings of the 13th Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference. Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-92. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station. 640 p.
Twenty-two treatments replicated four times were applied to planted loblolly pine, Pinus taeda L., on bedded industrial forest land in east Texas for measurement of growth impact of Nantucket pine tip moth (NPTM), Rhyacionia frustrana Comstock, and effects on pine growth over 2 years. Treatments were combinations of Velpar®, Oust®, Escort®, and Arsenal® herbicides; and diammonium phosphate (OAP) fertilizer with treatments in 2000, in 2001, or in both years. Ten of the treatments were treated with Mimic timed with pheromone traps to reduce NPTM infestations. NPTM was controlled with the Mimic, and there was a small but significant increase in the loblolly pine growth at the end of the second growing season. However, the increase was mimimal by the end of the fourth growing season. The best growth of pines with the most intensive treatments was equal with and without NPTM control. NPTM control made a difference on intermediate treatments.