Date of Award

Fall 5-9-2016

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science - Kinesiology


Kinesiology and Health Science

First Advisor

Mark Faries

Second Advisor

Eric Jones

Third Advisor

Christina Sinclair


Novel technologies are currently being utilized in fitness and clinical settings. However, there is not much research to examine the emotional responses to such screenings.

PURPOSE: To examine the group differences between the FIT3D and DXA protocol on emotional responses and the differences between weight classifications.

METHODS: The Body and Appearance-related Self-conscious Emotions Scale and WEIGHTCOPE were used to assess self-conscious emotions and intention to utilize 10 different weight-related coping strategies following the scans. Motivation was measured by a 10-point Likert scale measuring motivation pre and post scans.

RESULTS: There were no differences in motivation, affective response, or intention to cope between the FIT3D and DXA groups. However, participants self-reported higher motivation to lose weight. Coping responses did differ between BMI classifications.

CONCLUSIONS: Health care providers can utilize these individual differences to aid in their clients and patients health journey.

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