Date of Award

Spring 5-9-2020

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Music


School of Music

First Advisor

Stephen Lias

Second Advisor

Samantha Inman

Third Advisor

Brad Meyer

Fourth Advisor

Norman Markworth


Folk Music of Atlantis is a programmatic composition for water instruments and orchestra depicting the mythical city of Atlantis. I have researched water’s musical properties: its pitch bending, its ability to create sound through motion, and its percussive effects on various materials. Drawing upon my research, I have invented a collection of water-based instruments that take advantage of these properties. Folk Music of Atlantis demonstrates their potential, combining them with both the traditional orchestra and the innovations in water music of past composers.

The written portion of the thesis includes a historical overview of water as a musical sound source, instructions for assembling the newly invented instruments, and an exegesis of Folk Music of Atlantis. It examines the interplay between form, thematic development, orchestration, and programmatic narrative, and demonstrates the ways in which the musical qualities of water inform the theoretical and programmatic underpinnings of the composition.

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