Date of Award

Summer 8-5-2023

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science - Natural Sciences


College of Science and Mathematics

First Advisor

Walter Trikosko

Second Advisor

Joseph Musser

Third Advisor

Robert Friedfeld

Fourth Advisor

Clint Richardson


The purpose of this research was to recreate a known superconductor, YBa2Cu3Ox, and modify it in an attempt to raise its transition temperature. A superconductor is any material that excludes magnetic flux from its interior when at a temperature below its transition temperature. A “high temperature” superconductor refers to material that shows superconductivity at or above the temperature of liquid nitrogen temperatures (77.15K).

Here we were successful in reproducing the original YBa2Cu3Ox and measuring its critical temperature; However, our efforts at raising the transition temperature have, as of yet, not been successful. The processes for fabricating these superconductors are explained here.

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