Date of Award

Summer 8-10-2024

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts - History



First Advisor

Perky Beisel

Second Advisor

Scott Sosebee

Third Advisor

Hunter Hampton

Fourth Advisor

Linda Reynolds


The East Texas Oil Boom was a major event in Texas history that elevated the oil industry in Texas to new levels. It brought new jobs, and a new style of work and living to the state. The boom attracted businessmen such as H. L. Hunt and Clint Murchison. H. L. Hunt was a prominent figure in the East Texas Oil Boom, who established a multifaceted corporation and influenced statewide legislation for hot oil and proration. Hunt, who chose to make money at any cost, was often viewed as untrustworthy and deceptive but his business practices were lucrative, and he brought in millions in his lifetime. Although Hunt fought for legislation to regulate hot oil production, he also became one of the highest producers of hot oil in East Texas. Hunt was a businessman who sought money and power in any way he could find it. While he was a prominent figure in the East Texas oil boom he has many secrets and stories that will show the public eye that he was a deceptive and manipulative person. This thesis capstone project exhibit produced for the East Texas Oil Museum, provides an opportunity as a public historian to interpret Hunt’s role in the East Texas oil boom while demonstrating the best practices of exhibit research, development, and design.

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